Every great achievement has its foundation in passion and love, and when passion for the sea coincides with the passion for patients, incredible stories can be born. The story behind the scene: How a full face mask designed to safely enjoy the ocean became the most appreciated full-face mask used to help patients and doctors during the coronavirus – COVID19- pandemic
The Cressi Duke Mask has been originally designed and sold for the intentions of snorkeling. Cressi Sub, S.p.A. makes no warranty of its products for any purpose, nor does Cressi Sub, S.p.A. assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the original use. In no event shall Cressi Sub S.p.A and any other Cressi subsidiary be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special consequential damages, to property or life, whatsoever arising out of or connected with a different use or misuse of its product. Please do not use any product in the place of medical advice.
Early in the 1950’s Cressi designed its first snorkeling full face mask. Due to a recent increased demand for this style of snorkeling masks, Cressi more than two years ago renewed its original project realizing “The Duke Dry”, designed by Mr. Carlos Godoy from the Cressi Technical Department, with the ultimate goal of offering a superior snorkeling experience. Duke mask, due to a 1800 Wide View Visibility, a patented valve-less natural breathing during the inspiratory phase, a breathing area separated from the visualization chamber, and a “No Fogging System” realized with air channels deflectors, became in a few months the preferred solution for the most reputable snorkel operation and the most appreciated full face mask by snorkel enthusiasts.
We all know the recent world disruption caused in the world by the arrival of Covid19. Italy and Spain have been first the 2 countries, after China, to be impacted by the Virus imposing to the entire countries lockdowns since early March 2020. During an unprecedent devastating time, the Italians have, once more, proven how creativity, imagination and entrepreneurship can promptly help to service the concrete needs of an entire community. The following stories of Doctor. Giorgio Ardizzone – Head of the Intensive Care of the ASL1 with the help of his friend Mr. Marco Cilli in Italy and of Mr. Manel Luján, pulmonologist at Parc Tauli, Spain are amazing and teach the importance of intuition, R&D, passion and know-how.
Our desire is to share these experiences to help other doctors properly understand an approach successfully used by other doctors.
All the needed material can be found in the page.
Doctor Ardizzone desires to highlight that the use of the product is given on a compassionate basis (1) and that the use must take place in a “state of need” in the absence of other medical devices that can perform the same oxygenation technique (CPAP helmets or other types of sanitary or breathing protections masks that can allow treatment. Of course, each operator assumes responsibility for the use and surveillance of patients wearing the mask. Furthermore, before applying the mask, it is necessary to have the patient signed an informed consent.
Download the 3D adaptor models for CPAP and personal protection mask files clicking here.
(1) Learn more about compassionate basis http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/temi/p2_6.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=4290&area=dispositivi-medici&menu=sperimentazione
To learn more please visit : https://www.imperiapost.it/440876/coronavirus-asl1-imperiese-maschere-sub-ossigeno-pazienti-progetto-realta
This project was born from an idea of Dott. Ardizzone and Marco Cilli in Italy. The project would not have been possible without the participation of Hospital di Sanremo and Carlos Godoy of Cressi technical team.
Dr. Manel Luján, Pulmonologist at Parc Taulí, explains the clinical validation process of the Cressi Duke mask for use as a PAP system, as well as the procedure to follow for its assembly.
To watch the video CLICK HERE
Download the complete Adaptation process here and the 3D adaptor files by clicking here.
For health care institutions that what to learn more click here.
The design and manufacture of this product in Hospital Parc Taulí de Sabadell, Spain would not have been possible without the participation and delivery of AsorCAD and HP. With the collaboration of: Ferran Fillat, Carlos Godoy | Digitalizado 3D (AsorCAD Engineering) | Alvaro Rey | www.Xplora3D.com | Doll Factory Europe, S.L
Franco Ravano
Cressi USA CEO