The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is actively monitoring, and trying to contain, the transmission of the novel coronavirus disease called COVID-19. Click here for the active monitoring In some cases, individuals or families have been asked to self-quarantine or remain in isolation. Click here for information about self-quarintine
Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick
Are you at home due an isolation or quarantine situation? We’ve got ideas on how you can survive and thrive:
1) Enjoy binging on your favorite shows, guilt-free. You’ve probably got a list of TV shows and movies you’ve been meaning to watch or that people have recommended to you. Documentaries we recommend: Socorro Evolution, A Plastic Ocean, Chasing Coral, Mission Blue, The Big Blue and The Blue Planet. These are some of our favorite movies: The Deep, Jaws, Thunderbolt, Into the Blue, The Abyss, Finding Nemo, Men of Honor, Sanctum, and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Don’t forget to stock up on popcorn and snacks!
2) Read, and read some more. It’s easier than ever to order books online and have them instantly deliver to any compatible computer, tablet or smartphone. Don’t have the budget for that? Public libraries offer free online checkouts for their inventory of e-books.
3) Play family-friendly board games. You can also plan fun craft activities, put together puzzles, or
4) Sign up for an online freediving or scuba diving course. It’s the perfect time to devote yourself to advancing your skill set.
5) Plan your next dream dive trip. Part of the economic recovery depends on divers traveling to dive destinations once the crisis is past. Look for accommodation and airline deals and opportunities now.
6) Shop for scuba gear online. Hey, we’re a scuba and free-diving gear manufacturer, so of course this is on the list! It’s a great time to research deals and explore upgrades to your current kit. Make your wish list at
We also want to remind you what are the CDC recommendations for protecting yourself and your loved ones if a family member has been put in at-home isolation due to COVID-19:
1) Stay away from other people in your home as much as possible — if available, stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom.
2) Do not invite unnecessary visitors into your home.
3) Continue monitoring your symptoms. If they worsen, such as you if you begin to have difficulty breathing, call your health care provider. Follow their instructions carefully.
4) Using a disinfectant household cleaner or wipe, clean high-touch surfaces — counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables — daily.
We at Cressi can’t predict the future, but just as the threat from past pandemics eventually abated, we know COVID-19 will run its course and we will all be able to return to doing our favorite underwater activities. Until then, we hope you stay healthy and safe!
Patricia Wuest
Maitland, Florida, USA Dive Magazine Journalist, Scuba Gear Tester, Ocean Conservationist. As the editor- in- chief of Scuba Diving and Sport Diver magazines, Patricia has had a 25- year career in dive…Read More